Monday, March 14, 2011

Quick update/rambling thoughts

It's getting a little late where I live but I thought I would do just a quick post. Ok it's not really that late, but I've worked the past three days (Saturday and Sunday I had like eight hour shifts both days) and with daylight savings I'm pretty tired. Anyways...

I'm doing pretty good on keeping up with my driving practice. I drove to work yesterday and to and from work today (first time driving in the dark). My dad kind of has some weird phobia about letting other people drive while he's in the car. It makes him nervous my mom says. So everytime my mom takes me somewhere she lets me drive. I'm going to REALLY try to get my license by the end of April. I've said it before but I'm really going to try this time. Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post with words of encouragement :) it means a lot.

Another thing that I've been working on lately is standing up for myself. It's not that I'm overly shy, but people usually see me as polite and kind of reserved, which I've figured out seems to make me an easy target. I'm usually quick to help people so others are quick to take advantage of me. When someone makes a little comment or joke at my expense I usually just shrug it off and laugh because I'm typically not one for confrontation. Not anymore. I've realized enough is enough. I don't mind being nice and it takes a lot to push me to the edge, but I've started to stand up for myself more. I've done it multiple times in the past couple of weeks, and people have really started to notice. Some people don't necessarily like the fact that I'm doing this (especially one of my extremely rude managers at work-I kind of told her off when she was making me stay late to do EVERYTHING by myself the other day) but whether they like it or not, I'm tired of being the person everyone expects to do everything. I feel a lot better now that I've started sticking up for myself more.

Other random things that I've done in the past few days include trying hot chicken wings. I love chicken wings and I usually get the medium. Since I've been on a mini path of more self discovery (or whatever you wanna call it) I decided to order something I don't usually get. They were alright. They were almost so hot they didn't have a taste to them. Another thing that I tried was this new hair stuff that I got for free with a coupon at Victoria's Secret (I know my few guy followers will just love hearing about my hair habits haha) I have extremely dry, frizzy, difficult to manage hair. But this straightening/shine spray works wonders. I kept running my hands through my hair, I just couldn't believe the difference. I know this probably isn't the most fascinating topic to most, but I'm tired. I'll probably go get ready for bed now, so goodnight to my nine followers (so excited people are actually following my blog and reading my posts!)


  1. I know exactly what you mean. Not about the hair care products, but about the first bit (but my hair is rather luxurious).
    I was like that as well, tried to be the 'always-nice' guy, would more often than not shrug off a dart fired my way than retaliate. But that's no way to live your life, you've gotta stand up for yourself and don't let gits think they can walk over you.
    I still don't start crap with people, but I won't let them get in the last say if they have a go at me. I'll fire up right back at them, let them no I'm no push over. It stops people trying to take advantage of you, which is always a good thing.

  2. good for you! i wish i could just decide to stand up for myself more often, and just do it.

    i want to try that hair stuff! what is it called???

  3. Rein-I am still working on the whole standing up for myself thing. It's still a little hard for me since I tend to be kind of quiet, but I'm getting better at it.

    Lex-I use the Victoria's Secret Smooth Straight & Silky Styling Mist and the Style Brilliant & Glossy Shine Mist (for when I straighten my hair). I put the styling mist before I blow dry my hair and before I straighten it and then use the shine mist after I'm all done (I try not to use too much because the smell is pretty strong). The deal is usually 3/$24 but I had a coupon so it was cheaper. I also got this wavy hair spray but that was just ok in my opinion. I used the straightening/shine products again today and they still worked pretty well. I didn't have as much time to spend on straightening it so it was a little better last time since I could go over each piece of hair a few more times, but it was still good. Hope that helps :)
