Monday, March 7, 2011

Vinylmations and more snow

So lately all that's been going on in the smallish town that I live in is that it's been snowing like crazy. My school district has averaged about a snowday every week or two. Not that I'm complaining or anything. It has given me more time to devote to my most recent obsession...Vinylmations.

I realize that most people will probably be confused about what this is, so I'll post a picture right here:

The picture above is of the Toy Story Vinylmation collection. I'm not sure why these little plastic characters fascinate me so much. I went to Disney a few months ago and really miss it, so maybe it's my way of remembering a really fun trip. Since my Disney trip, I've been to a sort of local mall (that's about an hour and a half away) a few times, and on my most recent trip up there, I picked up a few of these. Mine weren't from the Toy Story set (which is a set I'd like to get soon) but they were still cute. Basically what it is is you pick a box and won't know which design you get until you open it. At first I thought the whole thing was kind of silly, but over time the idea of it grew on me and I caved in and bought a few on my last trip to the mall. I've been collecting for about a month and am too embarassed to say how many I've acquired at this point (I'm at a "crucial saving point" according to my dad). I've always been bad at saving money. At least I saved some of my birthday money. He should be proud of that.

Since I know my pointless collection rant will bore most of the people who read this, I'll discuss what else has been going on in my exciting life. I'm about 95% sure where I'm going to college. It's actually a community college, which I wasn't originally planning on going to. I applied for a scholarship so hopefully I'll get it (fingers crossed). It turns out that the university I applied to originally had a "glitch" in their computer system so that's why I didn't get it. The university as a whole seems kind of stuck up anyways. I'm probably better off not going there.

That's basically all that's been going on with me. What's been going on with my seven or so followers?

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