Monday, January 17, 2011

Snowdays...the highlight of my life.

So the weather forecast is calling for snow/ice/rain. I'm really hoping there's a snowday tomorrow. The thing with me though is it's an all or nothing kind of deal when it comes to snowdays. I'm not familiar with all districts and their policies, but ours has this system where if the weather is bad, we get a delay or a snowday. Or sometimes they like to be annoying and send us home early, which is a pain for everyone involved. Personally, I would rather just have a full day of school if it was either a delay or a full day. Delays throw my schedule off. Although most people believe you get to sleep in, I have to half stay awake to beware of the time so I have enough time to still get ready. And once I get to school I can't do my usual routine which is saving most of my homework until the morning. I get to school early enough that I can do most of it then, and I have a few teachers who don't really care what we do so that's a good time to do it too. Hopefully I just get a snowday though. I really don't like school. I know everyone says that, but I really don't. I'm not sure what it is about the whole thing, but it's never really set well with me, especially high school. It's probably because I never really fit into one group, I'm just kind of my own person. Most people would think that's a good thing, but in the world of high school, that usually means sitting by yourself. Now I wouldn't exactly label myself as an outcast or anything, but I'm not really "normal". I don't drink, or do drugs. I don't really like sports, so I'm usually not present for the football games or similar events. I'm not anti-social, it just takes a lot for me to click with someone. I love shopping and things like that, and the girls at my school who are into that are usually kind of stuck up and think they're better than everyone else. I get good grades, but I'm not an extreme nerdy type of kid either. I don't know what I am, I'm just kind of there to a lot of people. It probably doesn't help that I can be pretty quiet, especially because I don't usually have much to say to the people whose every conservation revolves around the weekend's hottest party or who got into a fight with who. I just don't really fit in, and I'm not quite sure why. It's alright though, at least I'm almost done. Even though I don't know what to do after I graduate.

Anyways, I'm still hoping for that snowday tomorrow. I better wear some white socks to bed.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to tell you that college is so much better. I know what you mean about high school. If you want friends you better be hellagood at superficial conversation. That's just how it is i'm afraid. Now I'm not saying shallow people don't exist at college (most people are), I'm just saying it's easier to be yourself.

    But with that being said, don't just forget about high school. I don't know how bad it is where you go to school, but I would just say, keep trying. You never know, there might be someone who feels exactly the same as you.
